
Quick Start

Much of particle science involves Vol fraction of the particles, but we like to formulate by Weight. Here you can enter your relative weights and find both Weight % and Volume %

Weight%-Volume %

Wt Particle1
ρParticle 1 g/cc
Wt Particle2
ρParticle 2 g/cc
Wt % Particles
Vol % Particles
Wt Ingredients1
ρIngredients 1 g/cc
Wt Ingredients2
ρIngredients 2 g/cc
Wt % Ingredients
Vol % Ingredients
Wt Liquid1
ρLiquid 1 g/cc
Wt Liquid2
ρLiquid 2 g/cc
Wt % Liquids
Vol % Liquids

With 3 components, "Particles", "Ingredients" and "Liquids" you have a convenient way to get a good idea of your (perhaps) complicated formula. You can choose to use one or two of each type. The Weights are each in the 0-100 range so you have to do your own quick conversion from whatever units you are actually using. Allowing for real weights in real units would have made the interface too complex. Weights don't have to add to 100 - % values are calculated from the various totals. Some common mineral densities (specific gravities) are provided for guidance. Don't confuse them with bulk densities which are usually much lower.